June 1, 2017
There is no character on the market exactly like Mr. See-More Safety, nor are there any programs that systematically teach children from a very early age how to become aware of serious risks that could endanger them. This program provides a strong foundation starting as young as four, all the way through elementary school, because it builds from one year to the next. Of course, the concepts are modified depending on the age and conceptual level of the children.
Because Mr. See-More Safety is an animated cartoon character, children are much more likely to emulate him. His safety messages are presented in an entertaining way, which is why kids listen! As parents, we know there is nothing more important than the safety of our children. They are our most precious gifts and we want to keep them safe. I believe that Mr. See-More Safety’s “Safe Smart Kids Program” can make a tremendous difference because it gives children the tools they will need when they are on their own. Through this comprehensive program, children will develop critical thinking skills that will enable them to spot dangers early and make informed decisions when they need them the most.
Our society has begun to take safety very seriously…but the accident rate throughout the world continues to be too high. One life lost from a preventable accident is far too many. We need to continue doing all that we can to bring those statistics down. Mr. See-More Safety is working diligently to do his part, but he cannot do it alone. With every parent on board, it is Mr. See-More Safety’s fervent hope that the 21st century will be the time when accidental injuries are virtually wiped from the face of the earth because they have the power to destroy the very fabric of our lives.
As we arm our children with the most valuable tool — KNOWLEDGE — we will be taking the most important step to help our children help themselves. We will be empowering them with the ability to prevent serious accidents because they will have learned how to eliminate the causes that lead to them. And finally, we will be able to take away the mystery and the misery of tragedies that didn’t have to happen, and our children will be spared from becoming the victims that so often lead to broken legs, broken hearts, and broken lives. Time is of the essence because there is so much to be accomplished. Mr. See-More Safety is eagerly waiting for the chance to do his job! With a little help from his friends, we can now make a mission impossible, a MISSION POSSIBLE!